Monday, November 9, 2009


I have been sick the past couple days...I think due to food poisoning...bad fish. Yuck!
My daddy is back in the hospital due to complications from his recent surgery. I hope he gets better soon!
I get to go home in about 13 days! Its coming so quick! I am excited to go home and see everyone. I bought myself a lunch box today and I'm pretty excited about it! Gonna take lunches to work a lot more. :) I have lost 3.5 pounds so far from my weight loss program and its pretty exciting! It might be due to my recent sickness but either way it is motivation. Thats all for now. See you all soon!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

6 Week Fat Loss Challenge

Hello All! So we started a fat loss challenge at work on Wednesday and its gonna be tough! This trainer came to our work and weighed everyone and took our body fat percentages. So whoever loses the most body fat will win 50% of everyones entry fees...which right now is about $300.
But that is not good enough for Porch Light...oh no! We decided we would do our own bet between the employees and everyone paid $100.00 to get in and who ever wins gets about $1,000! Plus if they win the all over challenge (which includes about 30 people not at porch light) they get the additional $300. The person at Porch Light who loses the least amount of fat has to buy everyone in the challenge dinner. It's gonna be awesome!
I am trying to get motivated but it is hard :( I don't really feel fat but I know I am not toned at all. So yesterday I started eating well and did Day 1 of the 30 day shred and today I ate well as well and I am about to do Day 2 of the shred. I need some reassurance so people send your positive thoughts/comments my way! I will post some before photos and then after ones when I am done.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ugg Stress

So Chanda and I went to Reggae on the Roof again a couple weeks ago and I got my drivers license and debit card stolen. Shit! You know the last thing I want to do is spend more time in the DMV. So...I waited in line for 2 hours to get a new i.d. and it came in literally 3 business days. Now that is service! I am sorry I doubted you DMV.
This past weekend we got over 2 feet of snow and it was insane! I had to shovel it all by myself too. Boo. Chanda and Denny were both out of town so I was pretty lonely. I went out with Lindee on Friday and we got Way way way too drunk for our own good and I was hung over until Sunday. I tried to go out again on Saturday for Jeree's sake but only made it an hour or so before I wanted to go home. It was pretty crowded and its hard being around that many people if you don't want to drink.
It's only Tuesday but I want the week to be over NOW! I am so tired of working full time...super stressful. At least I only have 2 days left after this because my work scheduale changed to working M-Thursday 9-6 with no break and a couple hours on Friday afternoon. Not bad...not bad at all!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Finally Friday!

So I've been waiting for Friday since it seems like last Friday! It sucks. I've been trying to save money but with having to pay for my flight home plus all the other usual expenses saving just is not working right now.

Yesterday, Chanda and I went to Reggae on the Roof with the "Ghetto Boys" as we so fondly call them. It was fun but a lot of weird people trying to grind on you. I had to claim my friend Nate as my stand-in boyfriend to keep them off.

Tonight I am supposed to go to the Wine Loft but I'm not sure...I'm really tired and just want to stay at home and be lame. hah. Sad huh!?

Well I only have 45 more minutes of work then I am off but I have to work again tomorrow. I am thinking about finishing school in the Fall and that will be great to work on weekends and do some homework.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday Slow Day

Well...I'm at work waiting for these people to leave the office so I can get back on my Skype date with the family back home. I hate when people actually expect me to work at work. Haha just kidding. Its fine. Makes the day go faster when I have to do stuff. So that's good.

I have this weird like not hungry but not full feeling and its making me mad. I don't want to eat because I don't need to but that unsatisfied feeling is no fun. Boo....

So Denny and I and whoever else wants to come are going to this art show with a supposed to be killer after party. I hope it is fun and get to see some sick art.

Oh speaking of company had our client appreciation party this past week and it was sick! We had crab cakes, shrimp, beef something, and a bunch of other fancy food. Plus a cosmo bar, and another bar with wine and beer. It was really fun but I didn't get to stay long because Denny got tickets to the Avalanche game season opener. That was awesome as well! We had a lot of fun! After the Avs game we went to Funky Buddah, this cool lil club, to chill and listen to Erik play. I can't wait for our next company party which is the weekend I get back from home. We are going to have a Santa for people to take pictures with their kids and dogs. Of course alcohol and great food too because it's not a Porch Light party without booze. haha...well...I'm off to do some work.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Snow in October

So ...I've been slacking big time here so there are some major updates!

I will be home for Thanksgiving! The ticket is booked and I'll be back from November 22nd to November 30th. I am so excited to go home and see my family and friends. Hopefully Madelyn Grace is born by then and I get to see that lil stinker Jack Jack who I miss sooooo much.

I now have a boyfriend (above). His name is Denny and hes super sweet. We have been officially dating since September 16th but we met the weekend before my birthday. He is 25, boat mechanic, and 6'3. Not sure what all else you need/want to know but just ask.

I met a new friend via Craig's List. I know it sounds like a bad idea but a lot of good things have come from there for me. Her name is Lindee and she is amazing. I dunno how I got through my life without her! She is a party girl with a soft side who loves snowboarding and happy hour. We do happy hour every Thursday at this local bar called Smug's. Its a fun place...last time we played pool with two older millionaires (literally) and totally won. Above is a picture of Lindee and I.

So far Colorado has had a lot of really exciting things to do! Lindee, Denny, Me, Erik, Dawn, and Adam all went to Oktober Fest to celebrate german style, and the Taste of Colorado. Erik (Denny's friend) is a DJ who plays gigs sometimes so that is fun to listen to as well. The picture above is of Dawn (Denny's Sister), Me, Lindee, and Dawn's friend at Oktober Fest.

I need to be better with my money because I have been running short lately and there is no excuse for it. I need to be a big girl and save some cash for the rough spots in life...or when you've had a bad day and you need a night out. Those happen too! Haha.

So it is barely October and it is already snowing in Denver...the ski slopes open tomorrow and I am hoping I can go up atleast once this Winter so Lindee can show me how to board. I only have 10 minutes left of work! Whoooo hoo! Then its Friday and payday! I can't wait. I am off to the house to clean up and do some laundry...eventful night I know.

Love you all!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Realizing Things

So I have become some one totally new since I have moved to Colorado. I am no longer a needy girl searching for love in something that obviously cannot give it to me. I don't even want a man right now at all! Its crazy. As soon as I find a guy that is great and fits all my requirements I decide I am not ready for a relationship. It's messed up I tell ya! I've been out with this guy a couple times and he's totally sweet and takes me on nice dates and brings me flowers and breakfast in the morning but I can't commit. I guess I just need more time for me and to settle into the new job and such.
Speaking of job...I'm loving it at the real estate agency. They are actually throwing a Happy Hour for my birthday and stuff! All the people here are great and I definitely stay busy...cept has been sooo lame. I have all the stuff done I need to do and now I'm surfing facebook and trying to think of other things to do.
I do not think I'll be able to come home for my birthday because I cannot get the time off and it'd be really expensive to come home. I'm gonna be sooo sad celebrating my birthday without my family and friends though :( I miss every one a lot!
Last night I went to see the movie called The was pretty good but definitely a fucked up twist. I had to convince myself the lil girl was not going to kill me in my sleep before going to bed. Today after work I am heading to the Sunset party. It is just basically a picnic where you can listen to music and dance. Good times I hope.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Wow, I really need to get back in the groove of things and keep updating. A lot of things have changed since even the last blog. I got a new job at a real estate agency called Porch Light. I am a receptionist/office manager. Its really fun! I answer phones, do presentations, organizing, ordering, etc. Full time, paid holidays off, and health benefits. Yay! So no more hotel...thank goodness. I was driving 30 minutes there and 30 back every day just for $8 an hour. LAME!

I have now moved into my permanent room downstairs in Chandas house since her roommate left. Its awesome...bedroom and bathroom. I will put up some pictures of it soon. The only problem recently is that sometimes my car won't start. I am not sure what is up with it but it just keeps turning over but won't catch. I am going to take it in to get a new air filter and intake valve tomorrow. I don't know anything about cars but who knows maybe that will help.

I've been working basically two jobs a day for the past 2 weeks. Its pretty rough but I need to make more money than I have been. Babysitting, receptionist, and the hotel until the end of July. Oh and my birthday is almost a month away! 21 whoooo hooo!

No boys in the picture right now...I have been talking to some but none that are really clicking.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wow, It's been awhile.

Well hello! It has been a long time and a lot of things have changed since I have posted. I have moved to Colorado which I love! I stayed in Iowa long enough to be there for Lauren's graduation and then drove the 13 hours to Denver...of course I breaked in the middle. I can't handle long drives; especially alone.

I got a job at a Comfort Inn, basically the same job as Sleep Inn but different state. The people are basically the same but I hate to say it that the Sleep Inn was a bit classier. I like it though...need to be paid better for all the work I do. I have been offered jobs other places: 3 nanny positions and a grocery store so far. I might take the grocery job it is a service desk job so basically just customer service...only part time and be full time at the Comfort for the benefits. It is sooo weird not to have insurance and to have to pay for my own car insurance and shit too!

Not sure how many of you know but I had to buy a new car. The head gasket on the shit mobile blew or something so I'd have to get a new engine...just wasn't worth it. So I bought a 99' Pontiac Grand Am GT in red. Its really cute and runs good...was only $2,200 and it retails at $4,500 so I got a smokin' deal.

So far while I've been in Colorado I've met a few cool people. I met my friends Jess and Alison at work and we go dancing and stuff together and then I met Kara and Cara (haha yes) at a hookah bar and at Vinyl (Dance club). They are both really cool girls. The hookah bar was a interesting experience I had never done that...much better than smoking cigarettes much smoother and better taste. We had a hookah that tasted like gummy worms. SOOO YUM!

I have also gone on a few dates...some of which I liked the guy and most of them I did not. I was really into this one guy but for some reason he turned into a Douche Magoosh so we no longer speak. So now I am just taking life as it comes and going on dates occasionally. I am pretty pumped because pretty soon here I will be buying a bed. Right now I am sleeping on my aunt's futon which is okay but not the greatest. Her roommate who is downstairs will be leaving soon so I am going to take her room with my own bathroom and shit. That'll be great. I can't wait to decorate it and make it feel more like home. I can't stand living out of boxes for much longer. You really forget what clothes and shit you have when you can't see it.

Hm.....anything else I should update you all on?.....Oh! I now have only $300 in debt! Well, not including my car. But I think that is pretty good coming from almost $2,000 about a year ago. I've just been slowly paying things off. I now have to pay for my cell phone, car insurance, car loan, share pledge loan, rent, groceries, gas, etc. Its rough cause I am not used to so much. I even had to do work for my aunts friend doing filing stuff to earn money cause bills were due before I got paid. I feel so accomplished! Nothing could have been better for me than this move and I am so glad I did it. Of course I miss my family and friends but this was what I needed to do. I will be back in August to visit and for my birthday which will be awesome. I can't wait to see everyone again and my lil nephew Jack jack might be walking by then maybe and awww I miss that lil guy. Anyway....I have gone on long enough. Miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another Day at the Inn

Once again at work until 10. I am trying to motivate myself to do some homework but I am just not feeling it. I got my Art paper back from the smart thinking website which is the best thing in the world, btw. You submit your paper and within 24 hours they send it back with ideas and revisions. I love it! I changed the things they mentioned and submitted it we shall see what happens. It is due the 30th so I am actually kind of early. Yay!

Last night had night class and got my quiz back. I was so worried I would fail before I took it but I ended up getting a 18/20. Which is really good because it is matching so if you miss one you have to miss another ya know? That class is sooo boring..he just talks for hours. Atleast I am almost done. The best tip I have found for college ...just do will be over before you know it and a C gets you the same degree as A's.

Just completed day 5 of the shred and I am feeling a lot better now that I am working out. Not doing too well with the eating right but that will come. I cut out pop again though so that's good. Love you all!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Work Boredom

Well I am at work...again...fml. Another 2-10 shift on the weekend. I got done with my third day on the shred and I am sore! My muscles are very tight so they appear stronger which I like but I know its all smoke and mirrors. I always quit when I see results so this time I hope to keep it up. The hardest part is eating right...which I do not and I do not make it seem like I do either lol.

I got my paper done for art midterm ...kinda...supposed to be 2-4 pages and I did nearly 2 so we shall see how that works out for me. Got 82/100 on the test midterm though! Tomorrows plan is to workout hardcore and have night class...oh joy! I'd rather man bash with Ash and Michael.

Friday, April 17, 2009


So I know I mentioned like a week or more ago that I was going to start the Shred but I never got around to it. I am LAZY! So today I am starting ...I am heading to the gym now and will do 45 minutes on the tredmill, 20 minutes on the stair climber, abs, lunges with weights, and then come home and shred. I am gonna be sore! I took before pictures and let me tell you people they are NOT that is more motivation to get shredded.
I'll post more lata

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tacos, Darts, and Man Hating

So I got all prepared to go to class and to fail a test...ugg I know. To only find out that class was cancelled for some amazing reason! WHOOO HOOO! So I called up Ash and told her I was coming to Clinton for dinner. Ash, Michael (her roommate), and I went to Manny's 2 in Fulton and let me tell you they were the BEST tacos in the world. Sooo good. Then we went to Dj's bar in Clinton to play darts. I am not very good at darts but I hit the target most of the time. I had been drinking so my aim was a little off. What can I say?! The whole time we all discussed our hate for men ...some men anyway. It was an amazing girls night. :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Job in Colorado

So I think I might have found a job in Colorado! I found a nanny position on craigs list and decided to call about it. Suprisingly the guy answered! Turns out it is a 5 year old boy who needs a live-in nanny to watch him M-F from 3:30PM til 9:00PM. That means no mornings! All I have to do is pick him up from school and hang out for a couple hours and tuck him in. I get health insurance, car insurance, a Mercedes Benz to drive around, plus a weekly paycheck. That hasn't been finalized how much I will get a month but it sounds like a great oppourtunity so far. I would live with the family with my own room and private bathroom.

I am planning on flying out the first weekend in May to meet the family and kind of interview but it seems like I already have the job. He loves my job experience, midwestern upbringing, and views on children. I will also get to see Chanda and Rick so that will be a bonus of the trip. I just have to figure out how to get the money to get there.

Family Dinner

Hello All! So my great aunt and uncle came to visit us and as is the tradition we met at Iowa Machine Shed for dinner. It was excellant as always. I had to take a picture with my cute lil Jack Jack and my mom and I don't have any pictures together so I did that too. I haven't done ANYTHING with my life in a long time so I got dressed up and did my hair for dinner...well that wasn't the only reason why I got cute but yeah. :)

I've been trying to work as much as possible to get my paychecks up but it is hard when I don't want to work. I will have 60 some hours for this pay period which I know isn't much to all you full timers but to me thats a TON!

I was lucky enough to get to hang out with Ash last night. She came up to chill for a bit after I worked. Got some icecream and I made tator tot cassarole...YUM! I used to hate that stuff but now I like it. Tomorrow I am heading to the rents for Easter dinner breakfast. Yes you read that right...we are having breakfast for dinner. haha. I gotta go to bed I have to work at 9AM..FML

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hello All!

So I decided with my trying to go the gym and eat "right" not working out I will try something new. I purchased the video called "30 Day Shred" with Jillian from the Biggest Loser. It is a 30 day program with 3 levels and you do each level for 10 days.
I was doing it a couple weeks ago and it seemed to really help but then I went on vacation and quit. So I am starting over. I will be starting the shred program tonight or tomorrow...depending on how I feel. I've been sick the last couple of days. I will post before and after pictures of myself and stats of inches and such. Should be fun. Anyone want to do it with me? The videos are available on youtube so you don't even have to buy the DVD if you don't want. Let me know. I am ready to get SHREDDED!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


I’ve been walked on, kicked down, and thrown in the dirt. But it doesn’t matter because I’m always the one to get hurt.

You say you like me and treat me so good then you get scared and take it for granted. Use me and abuse me is all you do. I wish you would have told me that we were through.

Fighting to be that girl you’ve never had…the one who doesn’t cheat and doesn’t use you. When I tell you I am feeling you those words are true.

I’ve always been the nice girl, never the RIGHT girl. Thinking it was me when it was really YOU. Now it’s time for me to move on but I can’t do it, I am not that strong.
I want you to call me and explain it away. Tell me I’ve been trippin’ and acting a fool. You love me and all I need is you.

But that’s not going to happen; I know that TOO well. I’ve done been through this kind of hell. I always date the same kind of guy. The one who doesn’t give you the time of day, until he notices you for your body not your mind. He’ll act right enough to get you under his spell. Say he wants to wife you…make you his queen. He secretly is done with you but you can’t tell.

He wants to fuck you and leave you same as the rest. You evidently didn’t have enough to pass the test. On to the next he says. You weren’t the best he says.
I have got to be real and move on. I guess he didn’t realize my strength. I am a woman I would go any length!

The thing I underestimated was my will. My will to survive, to protect myself when there is no one else to lean on – I’ve got my wall. Built up behind me to catch my fall. Every time a guy like you comes along hurts me as expected my wall builds up. The wall builds higher and higher until it’s all I need. The wall is my support system; my creed.

It’s so much easier to shut down and protect my heart but I haven’t learned that yet. I keep opening up and giving my all when you actually push me to fall.
Why do I always fail? Why is it me? Why do all the other girls get the fairy tale but me? I just want to be married, the perfect wife. Take care of my husband and have that glorious life.

So once again, I am single. Watching the world go on without me; going great for the other lovers. Thinking what if’s all day long. I can’t think like that; I need to be FREE. I don’t need a man in order to be ME. A man should go out of his way to make MY day.

Now that I’ve been screwed over too many times to count, I want to say I hate all men and they should rot in hell. I know that if I do that I’ll lose out on the perfect one. He’s out there and will show up as soon as I am done. When I’m done chasing love and being wreck less with my heart. So here is to a brand new start.
I’ve always been the pursuer; so from now on fuck that…please!!! Here I am boys…come get ME!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wow I Suck

So I just noticed how bad I have been sucking at my blogging lately but I have just been busy trying to get things into motion. I was in Denver for a little over a week and then in Georgia for about 4 days so here I am back in lonely Iowa. :(

My classes has been going well...well I should say class. My second one doesn't start until April 6th. This week I have to work most of it but Saturday is my friend Amanda's cousins wedding so hopefully I can go over there after I work on Saturday and then Jack Jack's Baptism is on Sunday. Now, I hate going to church and anything that has to do with God but for my lil Jack I will do it. Then they are having a party thing afterwards. It should be a good time.

Today I have to work until 10PM but thats good so I will hopefully get some homework done. They expect you do to 3 chapters a week and each of those chapters are about 40 pages long plus a test at the end. FML! Oh well, I will be closer to getting my degree so that's good. After work I am going to my neighbors to play cards and hangout...our Sunday/Tuesday night tradition. I was just thinking I have not baked anything in a LONG time. I might have to do something about that pretty soon here but I will have to go do some serious grocery shopping first. I have nothing in my fridge!

Oh did I mention that all the feelings I had for Rick before I met him are still there and probably even more after meeting him :) He is such a sweetheart and a gentleman. I can't get over how big of a difference it is from Iowa to the south. The guys are sooo much better there. We may truely be the successful online dating relationship. lol. Sounds so weird to say. More updates later.

Back from Georgia I am back from Georgia to meet Rick and I am still alive. Super excited about that I am sure you all are.
I flew out on Thursday morning and had three stops on the way there. It was really sucky but I was so excited I didn't really notice. I flew from Moline to Chicago then Chicago to Charlotte and finally Charlotte to Augusta. Once I landed in Augusta, two of Rick's friends came and picked me up from the airport since Rick was at this training thing. So they were really nice and we chatted a bit and they dropped me off at my hotel where I waited for Josh (my aunts friend) to come hangout. He drove from Atlanta to come see me...3 hours...what a sweetheart.
We went to get some dinner and drove around Augusta. We tried to go bowling but it was league night and no one would let us on their team :( So we got icecream instead. It was great I got a free scoop because I told him I drove all the way from Iowa just for Baskin Robbins. Not exactly true but do what you gotta do. Went to bed and got up and went to a resturant for lunch and looked at some houses on the river. They were beautiful! Finally went back to the hotel to get ready and I wanted to puke I was so nervous.

Rick got to the hotel at about 3:30 after sneaking out of his training thing and showering. Josh met him and then left to go back home so Rick and I just talked and got to know each other a little bit and went to eat. We went to Hooters, then to his military base, and finally to this resturant for dessert. Fried was delicious! Then we went back to the hotel and passed out.

Next morning, we got up and got ready to head to S. Carolina to visit his family. We picked up his friend Justin to come with us to get Rick's car and drove the almost 3 hours there. Once we arrived we went to his parents house to see if Logan wanted to go to dinner with us but he didn't want to so we went to this place called Yokosos or something. (One of those Japanese places where they cook the food in front of you.) I actually tried and liked the shrimp and some veggies! After that we visited some of his friends at their houses and ended up at a couple parties with some beer and wine. It was a lot of fun and all his friends are super nice and funny.

The last day we got up and picked up his youngest son, Ethan, and went to the harbor. We ate at California Dreaming...beautiful resturant with views of the river and great food. Then we went downtown Charleston and went through the market and bought somethings. Ended up going on a speed boat with 25 kn. winds blowing and 3ft. waves. It was a lot of fun but ended up getting drenched and very salty. Went back to his parents for dinner and Logan taught me how to play Rock Band...which is pretty fun but I stink at it. Ethan sang the songs, I did drums and Logan played the guitar. We were a great band haha. Drove back to Georgia and went to bed for about 4 hours until we got up so he could take me to the airport to leave. :(

It was a great trip and sorry for all the detail...Lauren wanted it. lol. I am very sad to have to come back but excited to see him again. He ended up getting transferred to Colorado...yipee!!! So hopefully once he gets there he will be able to get some time for leave and come to Iowa to see me and meet the family and such. I can't wait to move to Colorado...just one more reason why my life is actually going good lately!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

5 Days

So a lot of new things have been going on in my life lately that I am pretty excited about. I just got back from Colorado and I love it there. I can't wait to move. I just started my classes through Scott and I have my homework done a day early! Whoo..thats a good thing for me atleast! I haven't been in class in awhile so it will get some getting used to.
So I am going to Georgia on this coming Thursday and I am so excited about it. I am going there to hang out with this new guy I have been talking to. His name is Rick and he is in the army signal unit. He is white too! I know that is a big deal ...not my usual but he is amazing. We talk everyday...use webcam, instant messanger, and phone. My feelings for him are really strong already so I can't wait to get down there.
I was supposed to be having a St. Patrick's Party tonight but turns out people have other plans so we are just going to cancel it. Anyway...that's about it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Wow, so it has been awhile since I last posted! I got back from Colorado a few days ago and it was amazing. We went shopping (of course-that's what we do) and dancing. A couple family dinners with Chandas roommate Keri and friend Josh. It was awesome. Got my toes done and they look great and got a couple new adoreable shirts to wear. I hardly ever go out around here so I will have to force myself to get cute and do something.
We didn't get back from Chicago on friday until like 3AM because we stopped by my mom's friends house in Yorkville and ended up being there for 2 we ate at TGI Friday's! Yum. I met a lot of awesome DJ's and people in general in Denver and I can't wait to move there in the Spring of next year.
Chanda is opening her own salon called, Breathe---it is going to be beautiful! WIth lots of ocean blues and greens and I can't wait to go there and get a facial or something.
I found some new songs I love so I will list them on here for you all
1) Yes by Tynisha Keli
2) Shattered by Tynisha Keli
3) Kiss me through the phone by Souja Boy
There are some others but I can't think of them right now. Well I love you all and I can't wait for the St. Patricks Day party this Saturday so you all better be there!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sorry in Advance

Hello all, just a side note that if I seem irritable or moody more so than usual I am feeling that way so it is not just you. I think I know why it is but I am hoping I do not have to do medicine. I don't want to be around anyone it seems and people get on my nerves sooo easily. I hope it gets better on its own.
On a happier note: I am headed to Colorado on Friday! Yipee! I have to clean for mom on Wednesday and Thursday though so she will drive me there and back. It will be worth it and I don't mind cleaning that much. As long as she doesn't get too bossy lol.
Well there is one thing that is making me happier than usual but most of you already know what that is :D I hope everything turns out as good as they seem to be going.
Oh and I found an old song that I have never heard so it is new to me. Its called Together by Neyo. "I want to be the love thats gonna last and be the one thats got your back. Girl its clear you and I are meant to be...We should be together eternally."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Jack looking adoreable


So I had to go shopping today...had to...yeah I know. I got a few great purchases! I found a cute shirt, some very soft exercise pants, and a necklace! I am very happy :) I only have nine days until I will be in Colorado to visit my auntie. I miss her so much.

Other than that...not much going on. Plans for the weekend are dinner with Hollywood tomorrow in Clinton, then Friday I have to help mom clean all day and then it is Leann's birthday dinner! Not sure what is going on Saturday and Sunday other than work but I am sure something will turn up.

Ange and I made coffeecake today is sooo yum :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This is a section of a letter I received from my is very sweet :)
"Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be, but when you lock eyes with them,m you know that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way; and sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power, or heart."
"Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by "chance" or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity, all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere."
"If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whomever you open your heart to. If someone loves you, then love them back unconditionally; not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and to open your heart and your eyes to new things. Let yourself fall in love again, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to . Believe in yourself because if you don't, no one else will."

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fuck This

I am so frustrated right now and I have so much going on. I had to work for ten hours today...lucky me...I went in at 8:00 and left at 6:00PM and now I am bored to tears. I want to go hangout but I am really tired and need to go to the gym and tan. After that I will probably be passing out.

Last night after I made those monster cookies my neighbor Josh stopped by to get some...the batch makes like 5 dozen! Way more than my roommate and I can eat! So we talked for an hour or so and decided that we both wanted deviled eggs so I made those too. It was a long night but he is really funny so it was entertaining at least.

Well I better go to tan while I still have the motivation and before it gets too cold.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Plan for Today

So today I have a lot of things to do. I have to go to Ambrose and finalize the refund process and get a copy of my transcripts. Then I have an appointment at 2:00 with an advisor at Scott so I can try to get into some classes so I am still full time for this semester. Otherwise I will have to move out of my apartment and that would suck balls. Then I am headed to the bank to check on the status of my tax refund coming back and ask them some questions about their policies. Maybe stop by and visit Jenn, Zach, and Jack. I'll update more later...Ange and I redecorated the bathroom and I made yummy cookies called Chocolate Crinkles.

Update: I found out that I am only 6 classes (15 credits) shy of a Associates degree! So I registered for two classes in the 8week program that start March 16th and then I am doing one in the summer. Then the three left over classes in the Fall and maybe an extra class so I will be full time. Then I will have my AA degree so I can basically transfer anywhere and not have to do general education stuff. Whoo hoo! I visited Jenn and Jack and Jenn made me dinner....yum! Then I applied and got another job within a half hour at another hotel in Eldridge. Oh and I decided to bake again so I made Monster Cookies...pictured below with the Chocolate Crinkles.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's Done

So Chance and I talked about everything today and we decided that it would be best to just remain friends. Our relationship has not been what it should be in awhile and its just best to move on I guess. I want to remain friends but it seems like that will be a challenge for him. We shall see how the wind blows I guess...

I finally signed all my papers at Ambrose to withdrawal for the semester and I feel pretty good about it. Now I just need to find a new school and start applying and looking around. I was thinking about Auggie but they are even more expensive then Ambrose is! Hard to believe I know. Maybe Ashford? Not sure yet but I would definitely want to live on campus and meet new people.

As for now it is just working and going to the gym in my agenda. Oh and I started tanning so you should be noticing a nice glow in a week or so. Hopefully! I am watching G's to Gents and I love this show. I do not have much time to watch tv but there are a few good shows! I had to work yesterday and today and then again Wed, Fri, Sat, and Sunday! The good news is that those days are all only until about I can still do something at night.


Monday, February 16, 2009


So I am sitting at work and have nothing to do! We have over 22 people coming in tonight for reservations but none have showed up yet and it is 3:30PM. Thank goodness I am off at 6:00PM today. I took a half shift today so I could go to Chance's football game tonight. I haven't made it to one all year. Anyway...this weekend was pretty eventful. On Friday, Ange and I got our massages and it was awesome! Then we watched a movie called Penelope. It was pretty good.
Saturday I slept in as long as possible because I was not feeling very well and then Amanda stopped by my apartment and we went know I got up for shopping. We tried to get some shirts at the mall but there was nothing that I liked so then we just got stuff for our Valentines Girls Night at her place. I worked out and went tanning : where i got burnt :( Took a shower and then headed to DeWitt. Amanda made this awesome pasta stuff that was amazing....props to you lady! I had to head home early because I had to work in the morning but it was a good time. I got to see my girl Meghan who came home for a couple days from Milwaukee.
Sunday I had to work an didn't get out of there until was crazy! I went and worked out and then Chance stopped by and we got some dinner at Texas Roadhouse and that was about it. Now I am going crazy because I have not worked out yet today and I NEED to. It sucks butt thought because I have been working out five days a week for almost four weeks and I have not lost ONE pound. Not even one! :( Whatever...I will keep going until I get there.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Massages and Chocolate

So Ange and I are going to get massages on Friday and they are going to be amazing I am sooo ready! I had one a couple weeks ago and I need another one :) I go to this lady in DeWitt she is really good. If you need a good massage call Kari 563-659-1964.
Then on Saturday we are going to DeWitt to have a girls night at Amandas for Valentines Day. We are bringing strawberries and angel food cake for dipping in melted chocolate...yum is right.
Yesterday I stopped by Toys R Us and found the cutest outfit for Jack for St. Pattys Day! He is going to look sooo cute! I visited with Jenn and Zach for a bit and watched Biggest Loser. I wish I knew when all these good shows are on because I never see any of them unless they are reruns or someone else is watching it.
The boys at work once again brought me dessert...Maggie Moo's...they must know it is my weakness. I brought them some goodies today to make up for it. They are leaving on Friday so I won't see them again unless they come back to visit. They are evidently Federal Agents doing auditing work for the Arsenal so that might bring them back sometime. The guy who is buying me all this stuff is married and has grandchildren so there is obviously NOTHING there cept free treats! hahaha.
I am going to lunch tomorrow with Leann so that should be fun..hopefully somewhere semi healthy because I had Applebees today for lunch with my friend Brandon and I do not need to be doing all this eating out. I have been religious about going to the gym so we shall see how much weight I have lost...I have yet to check.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where is my Valentine?

Hmm...things are complicated right now with me. With everything that happened before with everything I missed quite a bit of school. When I was finally ready to go back I emailed all my teachers and told them what was going on and that I would be back. I received some emails back saying that I would not be able to catch up in the class so I should drop. Well I was only in 12 credits because of the situation and with the three classes that said I can't catch up I would only be in 3. That is totally not worth it to spend all that money. :(
So I had a meeting with the Dean today and he is going to help me withdrawl from classes at Ambrose and get my money back. I will then take some classes at Scott or something so I am not really behind. Don't mention this to Mom and Dad please sisters because I am going to talk to them about it but I really had no choice in the matter. I am sure they will be okay as long as I am getting the money back.

I booked my flight to Denver for spring break the other day and I am sooo excited. I fly out March 6th and come back on March 13th. It is going to be awesome! As soon as I get there we are going to go out and party at a club and go shopping and maybe visit a school while I am there. I have been wanting to transfer there but have yet to do it. I am just scared I guess and I don't want to leave everyone. I wish I could just bring people with me and go. That'd be great. I love it there and my auntie.

Well I am off to go to the mall quick and then playing cards with Ange and the neighbors. I already went to the gym and made dinner so I am doing pretty good. I guess my girl friends are my valentines this year since I do not have a man. Chance and I are still talking but we are not together. I don't know what to make of all this. I don't want to just sit around and see what happens and not even talk to anyone else but I don't want to ruin anything if there is anything left for us. I have a little lunch date with my friend Brandon that I have known for years so we shall see how that goes. We are just friends so I no worries people...

More to come later...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Shop 'til I Drop

So far this weekend has been fairly eventful. I got my hair colored on Thursday by my dearest Amanda and put more blonde in and some reddish brown. We ate at Jenn's before we went to Amandas and had chicken salad -yum. Got to chat with Zach and Jenn and of course hold the lil guy.

On Friday, Ash came down and we went to dinner at Applebees with my roommate Ange and then hit up Maggie Moos. If you have never had Maggie Moo's...first shame on you...second you need to go now! It is amazing. For all you Cold Stone lovers you can suck it. lol. I also got paid a day early so that was awesome! I tried to buy a new purse but I could NOT find a damn thing I wanted. So I settled for a new zebra shirt, pink pums for the gym, and groceries. The rest of the check I am planning on saving but we shall see how that goes. I love shopping too much.

Right now I am at work all day until 10PM and when I got here the people who were leaving work were like, "good luck; it's been crazy!" Oh shit. After I am not sure what is going on. Amanda said she might come down and Ash might be around too so we shall see. I gotta be at work again tomorrow morning at 8:30AM because we will have over 35 rooms to clean. Shit again. That won't stop me from partying at least a little bit I mean c'mon.

Now I am going to go do some online shopping :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day Off!...kinda

So I went to class today! I know you are proud. Then I went to work for two hours quick...because as you know I am the savior of Sleep Inn. Geez. I went home and took a little nappy and boy did it feel good. I ended up sleeping through an exercise class I wanted to go to with Ange :( but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I have been spending the day finding new songs for a c.d. for Hollywood and I. It is going to be pretty amazing if I do say so myself. I ended up going to the gym for an hour today because I felt horrible about myself after eating breakfast for dinner but it was oh so good. Ange and I made pancakes, eggs, and sausage. YUM! Oh and by the way folks my phone is back feel free to text the shit out of me.

I found this hilarious video on youtube. The Etrade babies...this is what didn't make the superbowl commercial.

I am getting my hair done by my dearest Amanda tomorrow so that will be excellant! Oh and hanging out with Hollywood on Friday...can anyone say martini's?!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Just thought I would let everyone know that my phone will be off until Saturday when I get more money to turn it back on. I use Iwireless and my minutes are prepaid so once they run out they are gone. I CAN however recieve text messages so if you need to get ahold of me either get on facebook or text me. I will find a way to respond.

On a side note...I got some great compliments today! This guy said my giving direction skills were great!...hahah never heard that before. Plus, I got some free chocolate cake from Granite City from one of our guests. I love love love working here. We get free stuff all the time and discounts at a ton of resturants. Jealous I know...I'll share with you don't worry.
I have tomorrow off so I am excited! Ange and I are doing a breakfast for dinner night tomorrow so if anyone wants to join let me know via facebook! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009


So from now on I am going to go to every class every day. I am terrible at skipping and then not going for a couple days or so. It is hard to go to class when i really do not see anything coming of it but I will do it and complete the degree :( I have however been really good at going to the gym but this weekend really messed up the whole eating right thing. I just work today and tomorrow then I have Wed, Thurs, and Fri off so that will be nice. I also get paid on the 7th! It will be great...not only do I get paid but I also get my incentive money :D It will be like $1,000 whoooo hooo! I also filed my taxes yesterday and so hopefully that will come pretty soon. So until then I am poor but after that it will be great. Pay off some debt and buy a new purse maybe?!

Super Bowl 2009

Some of the girls at the party
Great food!

Jack smiling!

So my parents decided to have a superbowl party this year and it was pretty good. There was way too much food and about 20 people came! It was a good time. Although the Cardinals lost it was still a good game. I got to hold Jack and he spit up all over me three times...he's still cute so I will let him get away with it. Then the night before Ashley came over and we hung out and watched a movie, "The family that preys" it was really good. Another Tyler Perry movie. hahah. We also got maggie moo's which is always pretty much orgasmic. Overall a decent weekend.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yay! No Work

I finally have a day off from work. I know four days in a row is not that much to you full timers out there but for me it was hell! I just sat there for eight hours a day and had bascially nothing to do but read books and surf the web. I made it through though.

So yesterday was a pretty good day...I saw my favorite teacher at the gym and he actually was flirting with me. Kinda gross because he is old but still somewhat flattering. THEN... I got to work and one of our guests asked me if I was new but i've been there for 6 months now. He said that he was glad it was me there instead of Isaac because I was pretty. AW! So that kind of made my day. I've been going to the gym the past 3 days in a row and I am heading there in a little bit too.

Then it is shower and off to DeWitt for a massage that my mommy bought for me and hanging out with Tay Tay and probably Amanda. Now, if Amanda can just do my highlights tonight it'd be amazing...hint hint. Haha.

Over the weekend we had a mini girls night with Amanda, Kelli, Ashley and me. We went to Lyon's Tap and drank a little bit and it was good to be with the girls again. Then the next morning I had to go to work and check rooms. I ended up scrubbing 17 toilets and doing a bunch of other shit that was not done. Not exactly a wonderful day to start off my four day stretch.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ugg Bored

So I have been sitting here at work since 2PM today and I am bored out of my mind. I just finished a really good book...yes a whole book in the time that I have been here. It's that bad. It was called 'One for the Money' It was a book about a woman who is short on money and decides to become a bounty hunter for some cash. She gets into some trouble and ends up siding with the enemy. It was a good one. Anyway...I feel pretty good I've been going to the gym for the last couple days and eating right so lets see those pounds fall off!!!!

So I just talked to Chance and he said he just needs a few days to get his head together. I mean really...just say it all...I know you want to think about it but atleast tell me you are thinking instead of treating me like I am worthless to you. Some things just do not add up. There was this whole thing with this slut on facebook. We will call her Betty. Well she was writing him and saying all this shit about how I was ugly and that he needs better. Anyway...he said he doesn't really even know her and they are not even really friends and he doesn't even have her phone number. But the second we break up he writes Betty an email on facebook wanting to talk to her and then a day or so later calls her. Where did this number come from if he didn't already have it?!?! It is not on her facebook so I assume he already had it. Why lie to me? Shit I hate all this...I love him I really do I just cannot deal with him. He does not seem to care about my feelings but that is just him...He doesn't seem to care about anyones feelings. I am sure he does but just does not show it. Well I dunno...we are supposed to talk tonight but his phone died while he was calling me back earlier so we shall see if that happens.

Monday, January 26, 2009

For the Women




(I found this from an old blog from back in H.S. and thought it was sooo true I'd add it to this one.) Love you all!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Starting Over

So my hormone levels when they checked them this morning were at 350...down from almost 2600 two days before. This means that the pregnancy was lost and the hormone is almost gone. I have to have one more blood test on Monday morning to make sure that it is then at zero. This news is hard but I feel like it is kind of a new beginning.
Chance and I broke was just time. It got to the point that we fought all the time and the good times just were not that good anymore. He is practically one of my best friends and of course I still love him so I hope we can be friends and hang out. I just couldn't be in a relationship where I never know what mood to expect from him or if he was going to be the super loving and amazing boyfriend I know he can be or some angry person that seems to not realize that he loves me at all. Its hard not having him and the miscarrage at the same time but I will pull through and make it better than before. I love taking care of people but it was getting to the point that I had to do so many things for him that I forgot about taking care of myself.
So 2009 is the year of ME. I will do things for my benefit and not for what others want or will think of my choice. I put up that picture of me from my birthday this year because I was not very happy at that celebration and I am determined to be the 'Me' I want by my 21st birthday.


So today I had to get up early for blood work...7:00...really early for me. It was to check my hormone levels to see what is going on. If the hormone levels are up from two days ago then that means I most likely have a pregnancy in the tubes; which will have to be removed. If the numbers are down from 2,560 from Wednesday then that means the baby is gone. Either way it is not going to be good news but I am ready to know what is for sure going on.

After my blood work I stopped by my work to talk to my boss and tell them what was going on (I missed work to go to the doctor.) I love my job and the people I work with they are so awesome and supportive it is amazing. Plus, I got free breakfast too! You can't beat free breakfast. So here it is 9:10AM and I am not usually up for another 10 minutes so I do not know what to do with myself.

I am hanging out with Amanda tonight so hopefully we will find something eventful to do. Oh and I love ABDC (America's Best Dance Crew) it is awesome! So far I really like a couple crews but not sure who is my fave yet. I like Strikers All Stars, and Qwest Crew.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Time for Change

So a lot of things have been going on lately that some of you know about and others do not. I found out a couple weeks ago that I was pregnant. I was scared at first but the thought of it started to grow on me. I started to get used to the idea and so did my family and some select friends. Lately, I have been having some menstration type things for the past five days and soon realized that I have most likely miscarried.
It is pretty hard to realize but then again it seems somewhat like a tiny sense of relief. I no longer have to be the instant adult and take care of a life in addition to my own. It will be hard to move on and realize that I no longer am a mommy to be but I think everything happens for a reason and something in me just knew I was not ready for that big step yet. I am sooo proud of my sister and others who have gone down the pregnancy road at a early age and did it and they are being great mothers. It was just not my time. So now I move on and discover new things and challenges in my life to go through.
I was really greatful that my mother came to my appointment with me since Chance was out of town with his mother. She was there every step of the way and we had Lupper (Lunch/Dinner) together at TGI Fridays. I have realized I am at my heaviest I have ever been so it is now time to do that New Years turn around and get back to a weight that I am happy with. I was okay with the weight gain for the baby but now that there will be no baby at the end of the tunnel; I am determined to be healthy and be back to what I used to be.
Anyway...I love to hear from you guys who read this...who knows who all reads this...but please leave me comments or any questions that you might have.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cardinals V. Steelers for the Super Bowl 2009

So recently at work some things have been changing. The last couple of days I have been trained to check rooms in addition to my job as Front Desk Clerk. I basically am in charge of the housekeeping department and go into the rooms after they have been cleaned to make sure they are up to our standards. It is a lot of tedious things like the soap has to be at this angle and the towel has to be folded this way but it is actually a lot of fun. If you know me at all you know I love tedious tasks. So that will get me more hours at work! Whoo hoo!
After work Chance and I went to my parents house to watch the championship games for the teams that will go to the SuperBowl. Chance is a big Cards fan so we were really glad when they won their divison and going to the bowl! I also enjoyed taking care of baby Jack (my Nephew) most of the day. I changed his diaper, fed him, and just cuddled him :) It was a great time. Mom made pot roast and dad made cookies! YUM!

Biggie is dead?!

Emily and her mini wine bottles!

Amanda did my hair! I can never get it so volumized by myself :(

Dinner with the girls!

So it has been an eventful past couple of days for sure! I started school this week and we of course did NOT get any days off for the terrible weather like everyone else.

On friday Amanda and Emily Brinks came down and we went to dinner and a movie. It was awesome! I had to work for a couple hours before so Em came and entertained me while I "worked" and then we went back to my place so I could get ready. We ate at TGI Friday's because I get 10% off for working at my hotel. The food was good but the service was not very good. Well, our service was good but the other waitress was a huge bitch! We couldn't believe it!

After dinner we went to walmart and to get snacks and went to see Notorius BIG. Emily had no idea Biggie was dead so it was a big suprise to her...haha! It was the first time I was in fear for my life in a theatre. A bunch of guys kept trying to start a fist fight so we had to leave and missed the end of the movie. Then the girls stayed at my apt.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baking and hoping for a snow day!

So my roommate and I decided we needed to bake tonight since it has been sooo crappy outside! We made Chocolate Chip cookies and Ginger Cake. Both are amazing...we haven't cooked the cookies yet but the dough speaks for itself! Above is the cookies I made the other day.

I started classes today and it was not all that tough. My Economics teacher tells the dumbest jokes and thinks they are hilarious and my Ethics teacher acts like a teenage girl who likes to gossip. I am not sure how that will go...She started the class by saying," Wow..ethics huh? Well I will warn you that I am not that great at this but that is why I am glad I have to teach it!"....ummmmmmmmm PLEASE SNOW DAY TOMORROW!

So I went shopping today and got new tourquise and tan pillows for the couch, some cute signs for the walls, and a new side table! Lots of great finds!

Quiz about the new year from Ash

1) How did you bring in the New Year? a hick bar with Kim, Dan, Amanda, etc...
2) How was your valentines day? Shitty...i was basically single and didn't know whom or what I wanted.
3) Were you in schoo​l anyti​me this year?oh god yes...all year and the summer
4) How did you earn your money​?​ working at Jimmy Johns until I cut off my finger tip and then I worked at Days Inn and now Sleep Inn
5) Did you have to go to the hospi​tal?​yup...when I cut my finger really bad and when Jack was born.
6) Did you have any encou​nters​ with the polic​e?​ nope i don't think so
7) Would​ you reliv​e 2008 over and over again​?​nah...i'll move on
8) What did you purch​ase that was over $​1000?​ nothing... :( sadness
9) Did you know anybo​dy who got marri​ed?​yes...the devil got married, my sister Jenn, and my friend Jess
10) Did you know anybo​dy who passe​d away?​ no I do not think so
11) Did you know anyon​e who had a baby?​ Yup my sister
12) Did you move anywh​ere?​ to my own apt in Davenport
13) What conce​rts/​shows​ did you go to? Kanye West and Rhianna
14) Are you regis​tered​ to vote?​ nope...sorry Ash but atleast I didn't ruin it for Obama
15) Do you still​ have the same job as you did in 2007? nope...moving on up
​16) Has anyon​e betra​yed you in 2008?​ No
17) Where​ do you live now? Davenport
18) Descr​ibe your birth​day?​had some friends over...went to dinner and drank
19) What'​s one thing​ you thoug​ht you'​d never​ do but did in 2008?​ no idea
20) What has been your favor​ite momen​t?​being with Chance and making new friends
21) What'​s somet​hing you learn​ed about​ yours​elf? I CAN do it by myself
22) Any new addit​ions to your famil​y? Jack
23) What was your best month​?​ the summer in general
24) Were you in a relat​ionsh​ip this year?​ Yup!
25) What music​ will you remem​ber 2008 by? no idea
26) Who has been your best drink​ing buddy​/​buddi​es?um...all my friends are good at that
27) New frien​d? work people and new people from school
28) Would​ you say you'​ve chang​ed since​ the begin​ning of this year?​yep
29) Do you think​ 2009 will be bette​r or worse​?​ Definitely better and bigger

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time for Education

Ugg....It is time again to go back to school. After enjoying a more than a month long break I will be forced to wake up early and learn again. Over this break I've enjoyed some good times however.

1) A trip to Milwaukee to visit my besties Amanda and Meghan at Meg's hair school and getting an up-do done at Aveda.
2) Christmas with the family and $135 perfume...oh yes it's worth it.
3) Sleep over with my little sister at my apartment for the first time...can we say I-Hop and cards with randoms?!
4) New Years Eve party at my place with some friends and Chance's sis and brother-in-law. It was a lot of fun...we went bowling and played cards and drank at my apartment.
5) Lots of baking...cookies, cakes, spinach dip, muffins, etc. Most of it homemade and lots of dinners for friends. I love doing things in the kitchen :)
6) My friend Kelli turned 21 and had a killer party! I couldn't stay too long due to work but it was fun.

I have also taken up a little bit of reading over the break. I used to read all the time back in the day and felt it was time to start again. I finished the book 'I've heard that song before' by Mary Higgins Clark and it was great! I also just read 'Something Borrowed'...I can't remember who it is by was great too. I just started the second book in that series called 'Something Blue.'

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Sicker than a Dog"

So...the word of the day is sneeze. What a weird word..whoever thought of that was very smart. I've been super sick all day long. Sneezing, coughing, runny nose, all the extras. Whooo hooo!!! Plus, I have nothing for a cold at the apt so I will have to tough it out for a little while. The bonus: I got off work a little early and came home to some tissues that do not tear apart my nose.

Some things I've been thinking about lately...why do women put so much more into relationships than men do? (Stereotypically of course...) All that I have seen proves this correct though. I do not know how many friends I have had cry on my shoulder about a boy breaking up with them or worse cheating. Why do we (women) have to be so emotionally attached to men. We needs to realize that we can do this on our own too. I am glad that I have finally found the guy that wants me as much as I want him. :)

"We've only just begun..."

Hello to anyone out there that is reading this. I decided that it would be a good idea to start a blog while I am bored at here it goes. My name is Jessica and I am 20 years old living in Iowa. I work and go to school so my life can get pretty hectic at times. I have great friends and fun when we have time. I also have a loving boyfriend named Chance but more on all those things later.