Thursday, January 22, 2009

Time for Change

So a lot of things have been going on lately that some of you know about and others do not. I found out a couple weeks ago that I was pregnant. I was scared at first but the thought of it started to grow on me. I started to get used to the idea and so did my family and some select friends. Lately, I have been having some menstration type things for the past five days and soon realized that I have most likely miscarried.
It is pretty hard to realize but then again it seems somewhat like a tiny sense of relief. I no longer have to be the instant adult and take care of a life in addition to my own. It will be hard to move on and realize that I no longer am a mommy to be but I think everything happens for a reason and something in me just knew I was not ready for that big step yet. I am sooo proud of my sister and others who have gone down the pregnancy road at a early age and did it and they are being great mothers. It was just not my time. So now I move on and discover new things and challenges in my life to go through.
I was really greatful that my mother came to my appointment with me since Chance was out of town with his mother. She was there every step of the way and we had Lupper (Lunch/Dinner) together at TGI Fridays. I have realized I am at my heaviest I have ever been so it is now time to do that New Years turn around and get back to a weight that I am happy with. I was okay with the weight gain for the baby but now that there will be no baby at the end of the tunnel; I am determined to be healthy and be back to what I used to be.
Anyway...I love to hear from you guys who read this...who knows who all reads this...but please leave me comments or any questions that you might have.


  1. Thanks for a great blog post. I am so sorry again, I can not imagine what it is like. Nor do I really want to. I know that we have not always gotten along, but I want you to know that I will always be here for you. Even if we are in the "biggest fight" ever. Always remember that. Love you.

  2. love, you know I'll always be here for you. just believe that it all happens for a reason. you are a strong and beautiful woman. you will be an amazing mother when the time comes.

    i don't care how much weight you have gained, you will always look stunning.

    can't wait to see you this weekend. thank you so much again for the pic. my week has been horrible.

    love you :)
