Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hello All!

So I decided with my trying to go the gym and eat "right" not working out I will try something new. I purchased the video called "30 Day Shred" with Jillian from the Biggest Loser. It is a 30 day program with 3 levels and you do each level for 10 days.
I was doing it a couple weeks ago and it seemed to really help but then I went on vacation and quit. So I am starting over. I will be starting the shred program tonight or tomorrow...depending on how I feel. I've been sick the last couple of days. I will post before and after pictures of myself and stats of inches and such. Should be fun. Anyone want to do it with me? The videos are available on youtube so you don't even have to buy the DVD if you don't want. Let me know. I am ready to get SHREDDED!!!

1 comment:

  1. I probably SHOULD do this along with you because I need to lose weight..but I am so not motivated.
