Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tacos, Darts, and Man Hating

So I got all prepared to go to class and to fail a test...ugg I know. To only find out that class was cancelled for some amazing reason! WHOOO HOOO! So I called up Ash and told her I was coming to Clinton for dinner. Ash, Michael (her roommate), and I went to Manny's 2 in Fulton and let me tell you they were the BEST tacos in the world. Sooo good. Then we went to Dj's bar in Clinton to play darts. I am not very good at darts but I hit the target most of the time. I had been drinking so my aim was a little off. What can I say?! The whole time we all discussed our hate for men ...some men anyway. It was an amazing girls night. :)

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