Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another Day at the Inn

Once again at work until 10. I am trying to motivate myself to do some homework but I am just not feeling it. I got my Art paper back from the smart thinking website which is the best thing in the world, btw. You submit your paper and within 24 hours they send it back with ideas and revisions. I love it! I changed the things they mentioned and submitted it again...so we shall see what happens. It is due the 30th so I am actually kind of early. Yay!

Last night had night class and got my quiz back. I was so worried I would fail before I took it but I ended up getting a 18/20. Which is really good because it is matching so if you miss one you have to miss another ya know? That class is sooo boring..he just talks for hours. Atleast I am almost done. The best tip I have found for college ...just do it...it will be over before you know it and a C gets you the same degree as A's.

Just completed day 5 of the shred and I am feeling a lot better now that I am working out. Not doing too well with the eating right but that will come. I cut out pop again though so that's good. Love you all!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Work Boredom

Well I am at work...again...fml. Another 2-10 shift on the weekend. I got done with my third day on the shred and I am sore! My muscles are very tight so they appear stronger which I like but I know its all smoke and mirrors. I always quit when I see results so this time I hope to keep it up. The hardest part is eating right...which I do not and I do not make it seem like I do either lol.

I got my paper done for art midterm ...kinda...supposed to be 2-4 pages and I did nearly 2 so we shall see how that works out for me. Got 82/100 on the test midterm though! Tomorrows plan is to workout hardcore and have night class...oh joy! I'd rather man bash with Ash and Michael.

Friday, April 17, 2009


So I know I mentioned like a week or more ago that I was going to start the Shred but I never got around to it. I am LAZY! So today I am starting ...I am heading to the gym now and will do 45 minutes on the tredmill, 20 minutes on the stair climber, abs, lunges with weights, and then come home and shred. I am gonna be sore! I took before pictures and let me tell you people they are NOT good...so that is more motivation to get shredded.
I'll post more lata

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tacos, Darts, and Man Hating

So I got all prepared to go to class and to fail a test...ugg I know. To only find out that class was cancelled for some amazing reason! WHOOO HOOO! So I called up Ash and told her I was coming to Clinton for dinner. Ash, Michael (her roommate), and I went to Manny's 2 in Fulton and let me tell you they were the BEST tacos in the world. Sooo good. Then we went to Dj's bar in Clinton to play darts. I am not very good at darts but I hit the target most of the time. I had been drinking so my aim was a little off. What can I say?! The whole time we all discussed our hate for men ...some men anyway. It was an amazing girls night. :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Job in Colorado

So I think I might have found a job in Colorado! I found a nanny position on craigs list and decided to call about it. Suprisingly the guy answered! Turns out it is a 5 year old boy who needs a live-in nanny to watch him M-F from 3:30PM til 9:00PM. That means no weekends...no mornings! All I have to do is pick him up from school and hang out for a couple hours and tuck him in. I get health insurance, car insurance, a Mercedes Benz to drive around, plus a weekly paycheck. That hasn't been finalized how much I will get a month but it sounds like a great oppourtunity so far. I would live with the family with my own room and private bathroom.

I am planning on flying out the first weekend in May to meet the family and kind of interview but it seems like I already have the job. He loves my job experience, midwestern upbringing, and views on children. I will also get to see Chanda and Rick so that will be a bonus of the trip. I just have to figure out how to get the money to get there.

Family Dinner

Hello All! So my great aunt and uncle came to visit us and as is the tradition we met at Iowa Machine Shed for dinner. It was excellant as always. I had to take a picture with my cute lil Jack Jack and my mom and I don't have any pictures together so I did that too. I haven't done ANYTHING with my life in a long time so I got dressed up and did my hair for dinner...well that wasn't the only reason why I got cute but yeah. :)

I've been trying to work as much as possible to get my paychecks up but it is hard when I don't want to work. I will have 60 some hours for this pay period which I know isn't much to all you full timers but to me thats a TON!

I was lucky enough to get to hang out with Ash last night. She came up to chill for a bit after I worked. Got some icecream and I made tator tot cassarole...YUM! I used to hate that stuff but now I like it. Tomorrow I am heading to the rents for Easter dinner breakfast. Yes you read that right...we are having breakfast for dinner. haha. I gotta go to bed I have to work at 9AM..FML

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hello All!

So I decided with my trying to go the gym and eat "right" not working out I will try something new. I purchased the video called "30 Day Shred" with Jillian from the Biggest Loser. It is a 30 day program with 3 levels and you do each level for 10 days.
I was doing it a couple weeks ago and it seemed to really help but then I went on vacation and quit. So I am starting over. I will be starting the shred program tonight or tomorrow...depending on how I feel. I've been sick the last couple of days. I will post before and after pictures of myself and stats of inches and such. Should be fun. Anyone want to do it with me? The videos are available on youtube so you don't even have to buy the DVD if you don't want. Let me know. I am ready to get SHREDDED!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


I’ve been walked on, kicked down, and thrown in the dirt. But it doesn’t matter because I’m always the one to get hurt.

You say you like me and treat me so good then you get scared and take it for granted. Use me and abuse me is all you do. I wish you would have told me that we were through.

Fighting to be that girl you’ve never had…the one who doesn’t cheat and doesn’t use you. When I tell you I am feeling you those words are true.

I’ve always been the nice girl, never the RIGHT girl. Thinking it was me when it was really YOU. Now it’s time for me to move on but I can’t do it, I am not that strong.
I want you to call me and explain it away. Tell me I’ve been trippin’ and acting a fool. You love me and all I need is you.

But that’s not going to happen; I know that TOO well. I’ve done been through this kind of hell. I always date the same kind of guy. The one who doesn’t give you the time of day, until he notices you for your body not your mind. He’ll act right enough to get you under his spell. Say he wants to wife you…make you his queen. He secretly is done with you but you can’t tell.

He wants to fuck you and leave you same as the rest. You evidently didn’t have enough to pass the test. On to the next he says. You weren’t the best he says.
I have got to be real and move on. I guess he didn’t realize my strength. I am a woman I would go any length!

The thing I underestimated was my will. My will to survive, to protect myself when there is no one else to lean on – I’ve got my wall. Built up behind me to catch my fall. Every time a guy like you comes along hurts me as expected my wall builds up. The wall builds higher and higher until it’s all I need. The wall is my support system; my creed.

It’s so much easier to shut down and protect my heart but I haven’t learned that yet. I keep opening up and giving my all when you actually push me to fall.
Why do I always fail? Why is it me? Why do all the other girls get the fairy tale but me? I just want to be married, the perfect wife. Take care of my husband and have that glorious life.

So once again, I am single. Watching the world go on without me; going great for the other lovers. Thinking what if’s all day long. I can’t think like that; I need to be FREE. I don’t need a man in order to be ME. A man should go out of his way to make MY day.

Now that I’ve been screwed over too many times to count, I want to say I hate all men and they should rot in hell. I know that if I do that I’ll lose out on the perfect one. He’s out there and will show up as soon as I am done. When I’m done chasing love and being wreck less with my heart. So here is to a brand new start.
I’ve always been the pursuer; so from now on fuck that…please!!! Here I am boys…come get ME!