Once again at work until 10. I am trying to motivate myself to do some homework but I am just not feeling it. I got my Art paper back from the smart thinking website which is the best thing in the world, btw. You submit your paper and within 24 hours they send it back with ideas and revisions. I love it! I changed the things they mentioned and submitted it again...so we shall see what happens. It is due the 30th so I am actually kind of early. Yay!
Last night had night class and got my quiz back. I was so worried I would fail before I took it but I ended up getting a 18/20. Which is really good because it is matching so if you miss one you have to miss another ya know? That class is sooo boring..he just talks for hours. Atleast I am almost done. The best tip I have found for college ...just do it...it will be over before you know it and a C gets you the same degree as A's.
Just completed day 5 of the shred and I am feeling a lot better now that I am working out. Not doing too well with the eating right but that will come. I cut out pop again though so that's good. Love you all!