Well hello! It has been a long time and a lot of things have changed since I have posted. I have moved to Colorado which I love! I stayed in Iowa long enough to be there for Lauren's graduation and then drove the 13 hours to Denver...of course I breaked in the middle. I can't handle long drives; especially alone.
I got a job at a Comfort Inn, basically the same job as Sleep Inn but different state. The people are basically the same but I hate to say it that the Sleep Inn was a bit classier. I like it though...need to be paid better for all the work I do. I have been offered jobs other places: 3 nanny positions and a grocery store so far. I might take the grocery job it is a service desk job so basically just customer service...only part time and be full time at the Comfort for the benefits. It is sooo weird not to have insurance and to have to pay for my own car insurance and shit too!
Not sure how many of you know but I had to buy a new car. The head gasket on the shit mobile blew or something so I'd have to get a new engine...just wasn't worth it. So I bought a 99' Pontiac Grand Am GT in red. Its really cute and runs good...was only $2,200 and it retails at $4,500 so I got a smokin' deal.
So far while I've been in Colorado I've met a few cool people. I met my friends Jess and Alison at work and we go dancing and stuff together and then I met Kara and Cara (haha yes) at a hookah bar and at Vinyl (Dance club). They are both really cool girls. The hookah bar was a interesting experience I had never done that...much better than smoking cigarettes much smoother and better taste. We had a hookah that tasted like gummy worms. SOOO YUM!
I have also gone on a few dates...some of which I liked the guy and most of them I did not. I was really into this one guy but for some reason he turned into a Douche Magoosh so we no longer speak. So now I am just taking life as it comes and going on dates occasionally. I am pretty pumped because pretty soon here I will be buying a bed. Right now I am sleeping on my aunt's futon which is okay but not the greatest. Her roommate who is downstairs will be leaving soon so I am going to take her room with my own bathroom and shit. That'll be great. I can't wait to decorate it and make it feel more like home. I can't stand living out of boxes for much longer. You really forget what clothes and shit you have when you can't see it.
Hm.....anything else I should update you all on?.....Oh! I now have only $300 in debt! Well, not including my car. But I think that is pretty good coming from almost $2,000 about a year ago. I've just been slowly paying things off. I now have to pay for my cell phone, car insurance, car loan, share pledge loan, rent, groceries, gas, etc. Its rough cause I am not used to so much. I even had to do work for my aunts friend doing filing stuff to earn money cause bills were due before I got paid. I feel so accomplished! Nothing could have been better for me than this move and I am so glad I did it. Of course I miss my family and friends but this was what I needed to do. I will be back in August to visit and for my birthday which will be awesome. I can't wait to see everyone again and my lil nephew Jack jack might be walking by then maybe and awww I miss that lil guy. Anyway....I have gone on long enough. Miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a job at a Comfort Inn, basically the same job as Sleep Inn but different state. The people are basically the same but I hate to say it that the Sleep Inn was a bit classier. I like it though...need to be paid better for all the work I do. I have been offered jobs other places: 3 nanny positions and a grocery store so far. I might take the grocery job it is a service desk job so basically just customer service...only part time and be full time at the Comfort for the benefits. It is sooo weird not to have insurance and to have to pay for my own car insurance and shit too!
Not sure how many of you know but I had to buy a new car. The head gasket on the shit mobile blew or something so I'd have to get a new engine...just wasn't worth it. So I bought a 99' Pontiac Grand Am GT in red. Its really cute and runs good...was only $2,200 and it retails at $4,500 so I got a smokin' deal.
So far while I've been in Colorado I've met a few cool people. I met my friends Jess and Alison at work and we go dancing and stuff together and then I met Kara and Cara (haha yes) at a hookah bar and at Vinyl (Dance club). They are both really cool girls. The hookah bar was a interesting experience I had never done that...much better than smoking cigarettes much smoother and better taste. We had a hookah that tasted like gummy worms. SOOO YUM!
I have also gone on a few dates...some of which I liked the guy and most of them I did not. I was really into this one guy but for some reason he turned into a Douche Magoosh so we no longer speak. So now I am just taking life as it comes and going on dates occasionally. I am pretty pumped because pretty soon here I will be buying a bed. Right now I am sleeping on my aunt's futon which is okay but not the greatest. Her roommate who is downstairs will be leaving soon so I am going to take her room with my own bathroom and shit. That'll be great. I can't wait to decorate it and make it feel more like home. I can't stand living out of boxes for much longer. You really forget what clothes and shit you have when you can't see it.
Hm.....anything else I should update you all on?.....Oh! I now have only $300 in debt! Well, not including my car. But I think that is pretty good coming from almost $2,000 about a year ago. I've just been slowly paying things off. I now have to pay for my cell phone, car insurance, car loan, share pledge loan, rent, groceries, gas, etc. Its rough cause I am not used to so much. I even had to do work for my aunts friend doing filing stuff to earn money cause bills were due before I got paid. I feel so accomplished! Nothing could have been better for me than this move and I am so glad I did it. Of course I miss my family and friends but this was what I needed to do. I will be back in August to visit and for my birthday which will be awesome. I can't wait to see everyone again and my lil nephew Jack jack might be walking by then maybe and awww I miss that lil guy. Anyway....I have gone on long enough. Miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!